Mosaic – Podcast Episode

*based entirely on my research and writings about the Germania Musical Society and Newport’s Hotel Period

Mosaic is a production of The Public’s Radio, edited by Sally Eisele. This episode was produced by Brian Knoth with help from James Baumgartner. A special thanks to the Newport String Project for their performances of the Germania and Mendelssohn compositions heard in this episode.

“More than 100 years before the founding of the Newport Folk and Jazz Festivals, an immigrant orchestra from Berlin helped put Newport music on the map.”

For more:



Rhode Tour – Multimedia History Project

Music and Dancing at the “Queen of Resorts”

Tour Author/Creator: Brian Knoth



Select Writing (Published/Academic/Peer-Reviewed)

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Knoth, Brian M. (2018) “Music and Dancing at the ‘Queen of Resorts’: The Impact of the Germania Musical Society on Newport’s Hotel Period,” Newport History: Vol. 89: Issue 278, 1-35.


Brian M. Knoth & Emily Beattie (2018). “Movement signals and narrative noise: the development and performance of Antennae (v.2),” International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 14:1, 84-106, DOI: 10.1080/14794713.2018.1453918


Book Chapter

Knoth, Brian (2012).  “Interactive Multimedia Performance and the Audience’s Experience of Kinesthetic Empathy.” In Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices. ed. Dee Reynolds and Matthew Reason. UK:  Intellect, Ltd.



Select Papers/Presentations (Invited/Academic/Peer-Reviewed)

Knoth and Beattie (2016). “Movement Signals and Narrative Noise: The Artistic and Technical Development of Antennae (v2).” Proceedings of the Ammerman Center for Arts and Technology at Connecticut College’s 15th Biennial Symposium for Arts and Technology.


Knoth, Brian (2013). “Investigating Perceptions of Connection and Disconnection with a Camera-based Motion-tracking Multimedia and Computer Music Performance Interface.” International Conference on: “Multimodal Communication: Language, Performance, and Digital Media,” May 2013, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.


Knoth, Brian (2010). “Embodied Mediation: Interactive Media Environments and the Audience Experience of Kinesthetic Empathy.” Paper presented at Kinesthetic Empathy: Concepts and Contexts 2010, April 22-23, Manchester University, in Manchester, England (UK).



The experience and creation of tv/video/film/animation, audio/radio/podcasts, video games, and other forms of digital media in relation to the following topics: multi-sensory perception/integration, multi-modal communication, empathy, human-computer/environment interaction, music, sound, interactive systems for performance/installation, interactive systems for mind-body rehabilitation, learning/education, service-learning, civic engagement, documentary production, popular culture, transmedia storytelling, new media, creativity, innovation, historical narrative, etc.